Do You Know About These Three Benefits of LED Lights?

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Benefits of Led Light

No one wants to throw their money away when a simple change could save hundreds of dollars. By now, it’s well-known that LED lights can help homeowners and businesses whittle down their lighting costs. Switching to LED lights can save an average of $266.75 over 50,000 hours of usage when compared to using incandescent lighting. While saving money on lighting costs is a great reason to use LED lights and LED light products, there are more benefits of LED lights that extend beyond a few extra dollars in the bank.

Lifespan Benefits of LED Lights

One of the number one features of LED lights is their amazing lifespan. LED lights have an average life expectancy of 50,000 hours of usage. That’s almost 6 years of continuous use. Compare that to an incandescent bulb that will last you a month and a half – if you’re lucky.

While changing a light bulb every month and a half in your home might seem inconvenient but not a serious problem, imagine the amount of time, energy and resources that would go into regularly changing all the bulbs in a shopping center or an airport. Suddenly, you need to hire someone full-time just to change bulbs and the six-year lifespan of LED lights looks much more appealing.

Energy Efficiency Benefits of LED Lights

Energy efficiency plays a role in the cost savings of using LED lighting, but benefit that deserves it’s own section. Before light bulbs were classified by their output in lumens (the amount of light they produce), it was common to see bulbs categorized by the amount of wattage or energy they used. While a traditional bulbs takes 60W to produce 800 lumens, an LED bulbs can produce the same amount of light by using as little as six watts. An LED bulb needs only a tenth of the energy to light as a traditional bulb and gives the same output.

Energy savings of that magnitude can quickly add up when larger businesses make the switch to LED lights.

Environmental Benefits of LED Lights

Obviously using less energy ultimately is good for the environment, but LED bulbs and LED products are a also better choice for the environment because they are free of toxic chemicals. Conventional fluorescent lights often contain harmful materials, including mercury, that make the bulbs harmful to the environment and difficult to dispose of.

Not only are LED lights toxin-free, their long-life span also means less packaging will be ending up in the trash.