Even though LED lights have been on the market for a couple years now they haven’t become as commonplace as incandescent or CFLs (fluorescent) lights. Yet LED light advantages out perform their traditional counterparts in multiple areas.
LED Light Advantages
From energy savings to a longer lifespan, the benefits of LED lights are impressive. Here are eight things you need to know about LED light advantages before you replace your next light bulb with an incandescent or fluorescent.
1. Light-Emitting Diode
LEDs or light-emitting diodes use semiconductors to convert electricity into light. They are a type of solid-state lighting and can be 67 times more energy efficient than other lighting options.
2. Longer Lifespan
High quality LED bulbs typically have a lifespan of over 25,000 hours. That’s roughly 25 times longer than traditional light bulbs and would give you more than three years of continuous use.
3. Less Heat
Unlike incandescent bulbs which release 90 percent of the energy they use as heat, LED bulb release little wasted heat and almost all the energy they use go towards producing light.
4. Countless Applications
The numerous benefits of LED lights make them a popular in a wide range of applications. From traffic lights, light panels, TVs and display cases, LEDs are used for their small size, ease of maintenance, and durability.
5. Mercury Free
LEDs don’t contain mercury and a recent study found them to be more environmentally friendly than incandescent bulbs. They are also better for the environment than fluorescent and incandescent bulbs. Their low impact on the environment is expected to grow as LED technology continues to improve.
6. On-going Improvements
Since the Energy Department began supporting LED technology in 2000, related projects have received over 55 patents. Some of the most notable focused on ways to use materials, extract more light, and solve technical challenges. The Energy Department recently announced five new projects that will strive to reduce manufacturing costs.
7. Invented in 1962
Nick Holonyak, Jr. invented the first visible-spectrum LED in 1962. Since then, LEDs have become a viable lighting option as technology has increased. It’s estimated that by 2030, LED lights will equal 75 percent of lighting sales.
8. Big Savings
In 2012 alone, the installation of 49 million new LED lights saved the United States about $675 million in annual energy costs. If the US were to switch to LED lights completely within the next two decades, we could save over $250 billion, reduce energy consumption for lighting by almost 50 percent and avoid nearly 1,800 million metric tons of carbon emissions.